Doug Halbert

Managing Director

Charlie Cocuzza

Senior Exec Producer

Stephanie Hodge

Head of Development

Amanda Clarkin

Staff Producer • East

Shelley Dowdy Walter

Head of Production


Submission policy

Please note that Imperial Woodpecker does not accept unsolicited material of any kind, including, but without limitation, any ideas, concepts, pitches, suggestions, characters, stories, treatments, outlines, scripts, formats, artwork, photographs, audiovisual works, musical compositions, sound recordings, any director’s reel with a “Vimeo staff pick" and/or other similar works (collectively, “Unsolicited Material”) unless, maybe, you send it to the Bond street office, in hardcopy, with a box of donuts. Good donuts - not that crap you see on some dumb influencer’s instagram. We won’t guide you as to the proper donut shop - that’s yours to figure out. But really, even with the donuts, chances are we’re going to eat the donuts and not look at your stuff. In fact, yes - any Unsolicited Material received by Imperial Woodpecker, by any means, will be immediately deleted, destroyed and/or returned unread at I.W’s sole discretion. Sorry to get your hopes up with the whole “donut” thing.